Disorders of Health and Sleep

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Common sleep disorders like insomnia, restless legs syndrome, narcolepsy, and sleep apnea can affect every aspect of your life, including your safety, relationships, school, work performance, thinking, development of diabetes mental health, weight, and heart problem. Not getting enough sleep can hurt your quality and quantity of life.

What Are Sleep Disorders?

Sleep disorders are conditions that damage your sleep or prevent you from getting restful sleep and, as a result, can cause daytime sleepiness and other signs or indication. Every one can happen problems with sleep from time to time. However, you might have a sleep disorder if you regularly experience difficulty sleeping. You are often tired during the day, even though you slept for at least seven hours the night before.

You have a bring down or impaired ability to perform regular daytime activities.
There are more than 100 million Americans of all ages who are not getting sufficient sleep. Sleep is very important. Not getting enough sleep can have untoward consequences for school and work performance, interpersonal relationships, health, and safety.

How Many Types Of Sleep Disorders Are There?

There are 80 different types of sleep disorders.

The Following Are the Top Ones:

  1. Sleeplessness.
  2. Obstructive sleep apnea
  3. Restless legs syndrome.
  4. Sleepiness


  • Insomnia refers to the incapacity to fall asleep or to remain asleep. It can occur to jet lag, stress anxiety, hormones, digestive problems, etc.
  •  It can also be a sign of another condition.
  • Insomnia can be affected your overall health and quality of life, potentially causing:
  • Suffering from depression
  • Difficulty concentrating on Irritability gained weight, poor work or school performance

2. Sleep apnea

  • Sleep apnea is distinguished by pauses in breathing during sleep. 
  • This is a serious medical condition. 

That causes the body to take in less oxygen. It can disturb your sleep and also cause you to wake up during the night.

There Are Two Types:

Obstructive sleep apnea, where the flow of oxygen stops because the airway space is obstructed or too small, and central sleep apnea, where there is a problem in the connection between the brain and the muscles that control your breath.

3. Irritable bowel syndrome

  • Restless leg syndrome is an overwhelming need to move the legs here and there. 
  • This urge is many times accompanied by a tingling sensation in your legs. 
  • While these symptoms can come during the day, they are most prevalent at night.
  • RLS is often associated with certain health conditions, including attention deficit hyperactivity disorder and Parkinson’s disease, but the exact cause isn’t always known.

4. Narcolepsy

  • Chronic sleep Narcolepsy is called as "sleep attacks" that occur while awake. It means that you will suddenly feel low and fall asleep without warning.
  • The disorder can also form sleep paralysis, which makes you physically unable to move next after waking up. 
  • Although narcolepsy may occur on its own, it is also connected with certain neurological disorders, such as many sclerosis.

Who is more likely to have a sleep disorder?

Disorders connected with daytime sleepiness affect males less than females.

What Causes Sleep Disorders?

Sleep problems can be caused by various factors. Although the causes might differ, the result of all sleep disorders is that the body’s natural cycle of slumber and daytime wakefulness is disrupted or exaggerated.

To Know more visit healthsolutionblogs.com

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