India’s best supreme court advocates

John Mani V understands the fears and doubts clients face and has been successful in hand-holding them so that they lead their lives peacefully. 2 min

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Law and justice are important components of every society. Every country needs justice, fairness, and the rule of law, whether it is developed or developed.

Lawyers helping bring justice to the citizens are an important part of that institution. A lawyer's experience is one of the most important characteristics. 

The more experienced, the more likely they are to win. Such experienced lawyers can solve several problems for citizens or organisations that can win or save a lot of capital. 

It is only natural that these experienced lawyers receive a heavy payment. Let's then look at Indian lawyers who have the highest pay!

Ram Jethmalani

One of the top Indian lawyers and politicians was Ram Jethmalani. He was also the Union Minister of Law and Justice of India. 

His passion for criminal law and the prominent civil cases he received were known in the Indian legal world. He is the highest-paid lawyer in India and was liable for one appearance for as many as 25 lakhs. 

He had customers such as Harshad Mehta, Ketan Parekh and defended L.K. Advani against the scam of Hawala too.

Harish Salve

For three years Harish Salve served as the Indian Solicitor General. He argued for the first Anti-Dumping case as a supreme court advocate in Delhi. He has a diverse customer base that includes Reliance Industries Limited of Mukesh Ambani, Tata Group, ITC, and Salman Khan. He fought for Kulbhushan Jadav who was accused and sentenced to death of being a spy by the Pakistani military.

Fali S Nariman

For his contribution to the legal system and justice system, Fali S Nariman has received the prestigious Padma Bhushan, Padma Vibhushan, and the Justice Prize. He is also an Indian lawyer of international recognition. 

He has had many important appearances such as Golak Nath, S.P. Gupta, the Pai Foundation, etc. During the Narmada rehabilitation case, he also represented the Gujarat Government and, in another case, gave an appearance for the bail of Jayalalitha, former Chief Minister of Tamil Nadu.

Aryaman Sundaram

He is a senior lawyer and practices corporate law, but also takes on constitutional legislation and media cases. He has represented the Cricket Control Board of India, Anil Ambani, and several other leading clients on a regular basis.

John Mani V

John Mani V is one of the best supreme court lawyers who has been successful in gaining a rich experience in this field and has been able to set up a team in Kochi where he has associates who provide excellent legal services to local and global clients with superior results, serving to domestic and international customers. 

His law firm is dedicated to its domestic and international clients in the area of legal services. They have a versatile and efficient team of specially trained advocates who aretop advocates in Kerala having unique experiences in their specific field of law.

 His team provides legal services for civil and family criminal cases. His lawyers offer their clients extensive legal services under any area of law and before any court of law.

There are many lawyers in Kerala and let me tell you it is not an easy affair to be the best supreme court advocate in Delhi without experience. John Mani V understands the fears and doubts clients face and has been successful in hand-holding them so that they lead their lives peacefully.

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