Upcoming New Mobile App Trends 2020

With all these trends in the development of mobile applications, the app industry will continue to expand rapidly. Developers' and mobile app makers ' competition wi4 min

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Upcoming Mobile App Trends 2020

Mobile apps are technology designed for use on mobile wireless devices such as Smartphones and tablets. Apps are designed with mobile devices ' limitations and functionality in mind. For example, a game might use the accelerometer of a Smartphone, or a drawing pad app might use the stylus of a tablet. Compared to computer-based integrated software systems, each mobile app typically provides a particular feature. Gaming apps are among Apple users ' most common groups, accounting for 25% of active apps. The world's leading Android app categories are resources, messaging, video players, and editing, driving, and local.

For years now, the mobile app industry is reshaping the market. Regardless of the business domain, each organization needs to integrate the latest technology for mobile application development to achieve maximum growth and multiply the means to reach the target audience.

The mobile app industry is, according to analysts, one of the leading sectors rising at the fastest pace. Apps are expected to generate $190 trillion in sales by 2020, according to Statista.

The mobile app industry is a field that continues to be developed almost daily. Therefore, to keep up with the ever-increasing demands of the consumer, you need to make the required process changes. Our expert panel has come up with the top mobile app technology trends that will make it big in 2020 after a thorough analysis of the mobile app industry.

The Emergence of BrillMindz

BrillMindz is the first critical innovation in the production of mobile applications and is rapidly adopted by industries such as museums, hotels, healthcare, etc. It is of great use in location engineering and proximity advertising, and a daily consumer can easily get used to it because of its ease of use.

Beacons are wireless transmitters for sending signals using Bluetooth technology. It helps to exchange information on sales. For example, in the retail sector, Beacons can be useful, particularly when merged with IoT.


Application Performance Management (APM) and Enterprise Mobile Management (EMM) are the two components that form part of the long-term growth of enterprise mobile apps.

APM was Google's web metrics introduced in 2016. It was introduced to get rid of the bottleneck which appears to slow down the performance of the app, and thus helps improve the overall performance by APM. And because of its significance, for the app testing process, APM has become a preferred tool for quality assurance testers. 

In contrast, Enterprise Mobility Management or EMM is a platform that enables organizations to securely enable mobile devices that employees use, further streamlining the business process by helping with mobile computing.

Impact of 5G Wireless Services

5 G technology will not only be one of the top trends in the production of mobile apps but will also play a major role in 2020 and beyond. The first aspect the 5 G network comes with is the pace, which is said to be 100 times faster than the 4 G network.

If we're talking about 2020, it's still time for 5 G to get into the groove, but we can expect a shift from currently used 4 G services to the 5 G wireless network by year-end. But the industry experts bet high on the 5 G technology even before its introduction.

The prominence of Wearable Devices

Wearable devices on the market are not new. Smartwatches, fitness bands, trackers, and even smart rings have already been witnessed. The way we communicate with smartphones has improved all these wearable.

A Business Insider research report estimates that a 35 percent leap will take place in the wearable industry in 2019. Another report from Statista claims a staggering revenue of $33 billion generated by the wearable devices by 2019.

Artificial Intelligence Making the Apps Smarter

For the past few years, Artificial Intelligence or AI has been at the center of attention with a breakthrough in the development of new technologies in mobile applications. The convergence of mobile apps has not only made the applications smarter but also saves the mobile app development company a lot of time, effort and money.

Android Instant Apps

Google launched Instant apps in 2016 for making things more convenient for developers and users. These are the native apps that function like websites and can attract people with their functionalities.

To put it simply, Instant apps can be considered as a trial for many apps that users can get access to without downloading them.

Following are the benefits of Instant apps over regular apps:

Smaller in size;

Possess functionalities of a website;

Excellent user experience;

Device memory is not used.

Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP) into Action

AMP is a joint Google venture with Twitter. Simply put, AMP is a stripped-down HTML version to speed up mobile pages. It helps developers to create heavy websites and web pages across all mobile devices with fast load time, lower bounce rates, and high performance.

Google officially incorporated AMP listings into its mobile search results and enabled developers to reduce the web page loading time. You will acquire a better conversion rate, reduced bounce rate, maximum user retention with a good AMP score, and will be an excellent boost to user experience.

Cloud-Based Mobile Apps

Adaptation to cloud technology is a must for software development to make the device run seamlessly across multiple platforms.

Ensure that cloud computing is incorporated into the development strategy of the company. Clouding technology shares some of the mainstream techniques, including: 

Streamlined operations; 

Reduction in hosting; 

Lower cost of equipment; 

Enhancement of app storage capacity; 

Enhanced collaboration and productivity.

The integration of cloud computing allows mobile apps to easily store large amounts of data and perform complex tasks. Many mobile apps with a wider database use their cloud computing backup with the AWS (Amazon Web Service).

How to go With the Mobile App Development Trends?

With all these trends in the development of mobile applications, the app industry will continue to expand rapidly. Developers' and mobile app makers ' competition will be intense as ever in 2020. Therefore, before you start working on your project, you must understand all these trends.

We understand that every new technology in the development of mobile applications has its advantages and limitations, and if you're new to it, hanging on may be difficult. But with our experts at your fingertips, you can always reach out to us to find the right mobile app trends for your next mobile app.

Now that you know the key to success in 2020, don't forget to follow these mobile app trends with every product launch.

If you need a Mobile Application with new Trends than we are the top Mobile App Development Company in India.

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